It's Okay to Skip Spring Cleaning This Year

Hey, Toria here.

I know I've been a bit quiet lately.

A handful of IG posts, one customer email, and no blog posts in the past several months may look like me "dropping the ball" to outsiders looking in, but that couldn't be further from the truth.

The last 4 months of 2023 tested my faith in ways that I'm still reckoning with. I had some very low moments where I questioned the "why" of it all. I pushed through a lot of uncertainty, sadness, anger, and change and just kept working… I kept pushing forward, trying to do all the things and drive all the results knowing that I wasn't operating as my best self.

And guess what? My resistance to taking time to pause and turn my energy inward took its toll on me. I was constantly tired, scattered, and  "just getting by." I did a TERRIBLE job of taking care of myself and it started to show up in all facets of my life. 

But you know what I realized? It's okay to hit pause. It's okay to prioritize self-care and put my well-being first. In fact, it's essential.

The spring season marks the season of renewal so I invite you all to join me in renewing our collective relationship with self-care. The spring cleaning can wait. It will wait. 

Release yourself from the pressure to add ONE MORE THING to your to do list and instead focus on what truly matters – nourishing yourself. Because at the end of the day, if we don't take care of ourselves, how can we show up as our best selves for the people and responsibilities that matter most to us?

I’m releasing myself from the guilt and the need to do it all. 

So what if the baseboards don’t get cleaned right away. 

So what if the pantry remains cluttered. 

So what if the ceiling fan blades continue collecting dust. 

My wellness can’t wait, but the cleaning damn sure can!

Give yourself permission to deprioritize or even skip the unnecessary tasks and dedicate that time and energy to taking care of yourself and finding solace amidst the chaos. 

Remember, you deserve it.

With love,


p.s. check out the the “self-care” tools I’m loving right now.


Out With The Old, In With The New